Walking During Pregnancy First to Third Trimester

Walking While Pregnant | First to Third Trimester

Last updated on April 13th, 2021 at 10:31 pm

Expecting mothers benefit greatly by adding brisk exercise into their weekly routine. Walking while pregnant, from the first to the third trimester is one of the best ways to tone muscles for delivery and reduce complications. 

As well as keeping you fit, walking reduces the risk of gestational diabetes and unplanned caesarian sections (source). Furthermore, it boosts your mood and strengthens muscles to ease everyday aches and pains. Walking is one of the easiest ways to stay healthy, and achieve a natural and comfortable pregnancy.

How Much to Walk During Pregnancy

With the right footwear you’re well on your way to comfortably sailing toward delivery day. Remember, during pregnancy you can expect your feet to swell. Be sure to get sized for the correct shoe prior to beginning your walking routine. 

Beforehand, remember to consult with your doctor about the duration and intensity of any workout while pregnant. With this in mind, begin slowly. Gradually build up to the below recommendations based on your fitness level. 

First Trimester

During the first trimester, morning sickness can impact your drive to get out there. Listen to your body, it’s ok to skip a day or cut a walk short. Increasing the duration of your walks gradually will help you ease into a routine.

For those who were not exercising prior to pregnancy, start by adding a 10-20 minute walk, three days a week. By the end of this trimester, steadily increase to 15-20 minutes for at least six days per week.

Whereas, mothers who are experienced with exercise can continue at a pace that’s comfortable. Start with 20-30 minutes of walking four days a week.  Eventually increasing sessions to 40 minutes a day for six days a week is ideal.

Second Trimester

By the second trimester, morning sickness begins to let up making it easier to increase the pace and duration of walks.

Mothers who are less experienced can begin increasing their sessions to 20-30 minutes a day, five to six days a week.

While mothers who began with a baseline fitness level can increase to 30-50 minutes a day for six days a week.

Third Trimester

As your due date nears, mothers should focus on relaxing and feeling comfortable. Walking during the third trimester of pregnancy should be less than in previous trimesters. 

Doctors recommend walking 30 minutes a day for a total of 150 minutes a week. Not only should duration be less, intensity and pace should be reduced as well.

It’s important to take breaks when needed and to avoid overexertion. 

Can You Walk Too Much During Pregnancy

When considering how much exercise is too much, your main concern is overexertion and becoming overheated.

Balancing Your Comfort and Doctor's Orders

A 45-60 minute walk per day during the first and second trimester is ideal. More importantly, walking should be reduced during the third trimester to 30 minutes per day and adjusted to meet your comfort.

Avoid Hot Temperatures and High Humidity

Regardless of the duration, keep the outside temperature in mind. When pregnant, it’s important to avoid becoming overheated for both you and baby. In hot months, consider walking indoors to eliminate this worry.

Don't Overdo It

There are a few signs that you may be overdoing it. Avoid exercising until you’ve reached exhaustion or breathlessness. 

Don’t push yourself, listen to your body and stop when necessary. Be sure to rest when needed and keep a water bottle handy to stay hydrated. 

Additionally, if you feel dizzy, stop walking and take break before heading home. Take your phone with you if you’re walking alone as well.

Especially during the second and third trimester, consult your doctor if you experience any of the following: vaginal bleeding, swelling in the calf or joints, joint pain, chest pains, or dizziness (source).

Does Walking During Pregnancy Help With Labor

Studies have shown, mothers that walk during pregnancy experience shorter, more comfortable labors with less complications.

Also, walking can naturally move baby lower in the cervix, into an ideal position for easy delivery.

Is Walking Enough Exercise While Pregnant

Walking is the perfect low-impact exercise with high rewards for mother and child. Especially if including arm movements into your stride, you’re getting toned and staying fit for a healthy pregnancy. 

Brisk walking is all you need to meet the recommendations for exercise during pregnancy (source). 

Additionally, daily walks can relieve constipation, boost mood and energy, and keep hip muscles strong for delivery. Not only will you be easing aches and pains, burning excess energy will help with sleep.

Stroll into Better Health and an Easier Pregnancy

Sometimes, the promise of fresh air is the only push you need to get outside. However, walking is truly the best way to stay in shape while pregnant. Consider moving your arms to help maintain good posture. Tone muscles mean less back aches after all. Above all else, listen to your body and ask for help when needed. 

Walking can be a fun addition to your day, a time to talk with your little one and clear your mind. Not only are you doing great things for your body, you’re setting yourself and baby up for a smooth delivery and happy future habits.

Image Credit: Fábio Goveia| (source) | Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) –– reduced file size and image