how to maximize calories burnt while walking

How to Maximize Calories Burnt While Walking | Walking for Weight Loss

Last updated on April 13th, 2021 at 06:49 pm

Walking can actually be a fantastic and low impact way to burn calories. Which leads many to wonder if they can amplify the affects of their walking regimen. We’ve put together the following post to outline how to maximize calories burnt while walking and how to do it safely.

Since walking is easy to do and offers a low impact way to get moving, its a great way to burn calories. However, we can do a few things to maximize its benefits. For instance, choosing a difficult route, swinging the arms, and activating your core can burn more calories.

Is Walking Good For Weight Loss?

In short, YES! Walking is an easy way to build calorie burn into the day. Moreover, we’ve all heard that we’re expected to maintain at least 10,000 steps a day as a general rule. And, admittedly, it can be a little hard to carve out the time, especially if you’re at a desk. However, walking can burn up to 324 calories per mile at a moderate pace (source). So if we just pack in those 10,000 steps, we can get about 5 miles and burn approximately 1620 calories.

How to Burn More Calories While Walking

As mentioned above, walking is an easy way to get moving. Even so, there are a few ways to turn up the volume on calorie output during your afternoon stroll. And, we’ve found the below alterations are easy to integrate into any schedule.

Walk faster and incorporate Invervals

First, is probably the easiest. Walk at different speeds! If you’re use to a course, consider pepping it up and putting in a little more effort for better cardio. 

Walkers will find that a faster stride or adding intervals of alternating fast-slow paces can raise your calorie burn. In fact, even just adding .5 mph more to your walking speed will raise calorie burn by 11% (source).

We find it easy to incorporate intervals while listening to a playlist. This is especially simple if you’ve included songs that can trigger an increase in your speed and build that plan into your playlist. Or, for those that prefer podcasts, search for a regular landmark on your journey to help trigger your next speed boost. 

Swing Your Arms While Walking

As mentioned above, a pep in your step may be enough to get your arms moving for an added aerobic boost. This extra movement raises the heart rate and adds to caloric burn. And every little bit counts!

Don’t be afraid to pump those arms in public or at the gym. Truly, nobody minds your exaggerated arm movements, just make sure to do it properly. The ideal technique helps avoid injuries to the back, neck, and hips.

Essentially, walkers should avoid swinging the arms across the centerline of the body, twisting of the waist, and tensing the shoulders.

To maintain the proper walking form:

  • Keep the back straight and shoulders relaxed.
  • Elbows should be bent to 90° and hands should stay loosely clenched.
  • Arms should swing forward and back without passing across the body.
  • Avoid excessive arm swinging or jerking.
  • Feet should strike heel first and transition body weight to the ball of the foot.

It is important to activate the arm muscles, without relying heavily on tendons and joints for carrying the arm’s weight.

Activate Your Core During Your Next Walk

Don’t forget about your core! And with good posture, this will be simple.

Additionally, flexing and drawing in the stomach takes pressure off of the hips while walking. Walkers will find an active core also helps strengthen back muscles and tones muscles to avoid injury. 

Especially during aerobic activity and heading up hills, this will help with caloric burn. Not only does this burn calories and promote healthy posture, activating the core muscles will help you engage in the task. 

Head into Nature - Make Your Walk a Hike

Take this thing to the park! 

Walking in nature has not only been proven to produce more endorphins (source), it adds cardio to your workout. At a steady pace, walking in nature burns approximately 432 calories per hour (source). 

We actually have an entire post that goes into WAY more details on this.  It is worth checking out to get more details on many more calories get burnt while hiking vs walking

You can thank the variations in terrain, including inclines and declines for this boost. Plus, for a full body workout, include some trekking poles. Not only will you get the benefits from the walk, poles will engage the core, work out the upper back, and help you travers difficult terrain.

Add Some Strength Training

Another great option is to build in opportunities for lunges and the like. Take breaks during your walk for boosts in caloric burn through strength training. 

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Ideally, you won’t be walking around with equipment, which can hurt the back if done incorrectly. So we like to throw in just 3 to 4 stress-free exercises into our daily routine. 

First, the static lunge can push you toward your caloric goals. For proper form, keep the back straight and abs activated while dropping one leg backward and knee to the floor. Don’t allow that front knee to extend pass the toe.

Planks are another great option for building up core strength. Simply place the forearms on the ground directly beneath the shoulders. And with a straightened back, extend the legs backward to form a flattened shelf with your body. Activate the core and hold this position for 1 minute. These can also be done in intervals with squats and lunges in the same break.

Finally, good old squats are an easy addition. With knees and feet spread slightly wider than the hips, keep toes pointed forward. Keep the head up, back straight, and core activated while sending the hips back and down into the squat. Be sure you feel it in your glutes and quads.

Take a Hilly Route

This goes hand in hand with heading to the park as mentioned earlier. However, for those in an urban environment, there are indeed hillier paths to take.

Additionally, if you’re at the gym or home, play around with the incline of your treadmill.

Inclines and hills add to the cardio of your exercise which boosts calorie burn (source). So, next time you have the opportunity, take the difficult route.

Take the Kids

Integrating children into your walking routine will definitely aid in caloric burn. Whether you’re pushing a stroller or carrying an infant in a baby carrier, calories will fly away with the effort of adding kiddos to the routine.

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It may seem that strollers act as a crutch. However, pushing a fully packed stroller can activate the core, biceps and add resistance.

Stick With It and Plan Well

Finally, a great way to burn more calories for an overall better routine is to plan well.

First, make goals! Whether it’s distance, time or weight based, a clear and defined goal will keep you going. Additionally, make an effort to head out at the same time every day, preferably in the morning. This will help you stay on track. 

It’s easier to stick to your goals when you choose an enjoyable route or grab a walking buddy. 

Clear Your Mind and Get Moving

Walking is a great way to break up the day and get your blood moving. Not only is it low impact, walking burns calories to help you lose weight. And through just a few easy modifications you can greatly increase your caloric deficit for the day. Additionally, we must stress, if you’re hitting the pavement harder, consider a pair of running shoes. Especially a pair with good shock absorption in the heel. Otherwise, you’re well on your way to shedding more calories on your daily walk.

Image Credit: Chris Yarzab | (source) | Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) —reduced file size and image